Sunday, April 10, 2011

What's this all about, anyway?

Well, I realized today that I spend a considerable time on my computer, but to no real productive end. At the end of any session I have checked my facebook account at least a gazillion times, and have checked both email accounts to make sure I haven't missed an "urgent" message (because people with urgent messages would surely relay them via email). And occasionally I will have checked my goodreads acount, always remembering to add new books I want to read to the ever growing pile I will probably never get to - because I spend my precious free time checking all my internet accounts! (And still people ask me why I haven't upgraded my cell phone to an iphone, or at least a phone with internet access. Isn't the answer obvious? Because that's how I would spend all my time - tinkering with non-productive technology!)

So, here I am creating a new blog, one that will hopefully make much better use of my computer time. To those of you that know me well, it is no surprise that I love to read. In fact, I could imagine nothing more enjoyable and calming that settling into a comfy spot with a good book. In the sun. With a drink. And if that were my entire job and purpose on this earth? Well, let's just say I'd be a happy little camper. I think. I'm pretty sure.

Which brings me to my point. This blog (as opposed to Approaching Dirty Thirty, which will always have a special place in my heart, and Je rêve en français, to which I intend to contribute more regularly but just am not there yet) will be devoted to the Three R's - reviews, reflections, and reactions - to what I am reading at any given time. Mostly it will involve books, but occasionally could pertain to articles, websites, other blogs, short stories, et cetera.

If you care to check it out - good, become a follower - great, respond to entries and engage in literary conversation - even better! If not, that's okay, too, obviously. But I hope you stop by to see what I'm reading and give a shout.

Take care :)

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