Friday, April 29, 2011

Ask and it is Given

I spend a bit of time commuting each day, so I've taken to listening to books on CD in my car. My most recent play is Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. The book is written in the voice of "Abraham", who from what I can gather, is a collective entity of spirit guides that speaks to and through Esther. It definitely sounds wacky, I know, BUT who am I to judge? One of my new year's resolutions is to be more open and receptive. So, I am listening to "Abraham" every day now. And it's funny because the messages are aligned with what I've been reading in The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

Anyway, from what I've been reading and listening to it's crucial to live in the moment: The past no longer matters and can't be altered, and the future isn't even real. Additionally, Abraham highly suggests raising oneself to the highest level of vibration. I was in a particularly cranky mood this afternoon because I knew the insurance adjuster would be arriving to evaluate a claim of damage caused by this malicious and unrelenting winter and I was unprepared. Thankfully, my husband jumped in and offered to help relieve some of the pressure I was feeling. I ran my necessary errands and everything seemed to be going wrong - people were driving too slow and monopolizing the photo kiosks I needed to use to print the pictures of damage.

I could have spiraled into a very negative energy vibration, but instead I chose to remember what I've been learning through the CD. I took a deep breath and re-centered myself. I drove back home, straightened the house, and got ready for the adjuster. The adjuster turned out to be a very amiable and friendly person and my husband and I ended up talking to him about non-insurance things for a fair amount of time. What could have been a stressful and unpleasant time actually turned out to be a very enjoyable experience. And we got to meet someone new with an an interesting story to share. I don't believe that would have happened if my energy had been in a negative place. So, thank you "Abraham" and Jerry and Esther Hicks!

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