What do I say about this book? I'd been meaning to read it for a while now, so when it appeared on a reading list I was perusing recently I had to check it out form the library. I had very high hopes before starting this book. I read about it in depth before even opening the cover. I read the reviews on goodreads.
Once I started reading, I liked where it was going. It's written like a fable, a genre I thoroughly enjoyed as a kid. About halfway through the book it started to become dull, though. Maybe it was due to translation (Spanish to English)? Or maybe it would have been better if I had read it from cover to cover in one sitting instead of four? It just didn't hold my attention.
However, I think the messages I pulled out of it were very important and true:
1) Stop looking outside of yourself for answers, especially when it pertains to your life's purpose (The alchemist tells the boy, "Where your heart is, there lies your treasure."
2) When you realize your life's purpose (Personal Legend, as it's referred to in the book), you must follow it. The Soul of the World (life) rewards those who seek and pursue their purpose.
Recently there has been a lot of synchronicity in my life. This book falls into that category as well (recent books read have been: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer, Conversations with God by Neale David Walsch, and Ask and it is Given by Jerry and Esther Hicks). Every book has had the same message: Follow your heart to find your true purpose, pursue that purpose, we are all One and we are all connected, you don't need to look outside of yourself for answers because you were created by your source (I happen to call that 'God')and you have your source in you so all the answers and healing you need are in you.
So even though The Alchemist won't make it onto my top ten list of great books, I will take the messages with me that I believe were meant for me to know. So, thank you Mr. Coelho for that!
Have you read it? What did you think?
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