Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer People

by Elin Hilderbrand    

I really like reading novels by Elin Hilderbrand (see previous posts for The Island and The Blue Bistro).
How does she pronounce her name, by the way? Is it like Ellen or is it with a long 'e' like Eelin?

Anyway, I found this book at the used book store and thought it would make a really good summer beach read (even if the closest 'beach' to me is Lake Ontario!) While I started reading it on the beach, I finished it in my bed, but the bulk of it was read on my deck with a cold drink in hand. This book (and others written by Hilderbrand) is set in Nantucket and all I REALLY want to do right now is go to Nantucket!! (My good friend is vacationing there right now and I am insanely jealous!) One day when I hit it big with my own novel I will buy a house in Nantucket and live out my summers there....oh, a girl can dream!

To the book....I had a difficult time getting into this one - maybe because there were teenagers involved? - but once I did I really struggled to put it down. Hilderband hit on some real issues facing this family - the death of a spouse, father and friend; teenagers and sexual responsibility; acceptance; forgiveness; family secrets; the past; and the question of how to move on after tragedy. The characters were so perfectly woven together, even their quirks seemed to bind them together by the end of the novel. It affirmed the beliefs that life does not stop for tragedy, and sometimes pain is necessary for growth. This was not a happy, feel-good story, but it does have a happy ending with good closure (as long as you read the Epilogue).

Happy reading!

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