WARNING: You need to read this book with an open mind.
Something happens to you and you get really mad and you lash out at God in some way. Who, at some point in their lives, hasn't had this happen? The author of the book was in a really bad place in his life and he was angry with God, so he let God know. He wasn't expecting what happened after that. God responded. Clearly and audibly. So the author wrote down what he heard, asked more questions, and kept writing. Those pages became this three part series.
Don't wonder about whether you should or shouldn't read this book. You WILL read it when you are supposed to. And that may not be in this lifetime.
This book is the third part in a three-part series. The first book focuses on some major issues humanity is facing today in their personal lives, spirituality, and how they function in today's world. The second book goes into a bit more detail, and this third book goes into more detail about more specific things like (don't laugh) life on other planets, more highly evolved beings (HEB's), and how we are treating our bodies and our environment. Everyone can learn something by reading this book (or the other 2). You really should start by reading the first in the series.
The main message from "God" in the book is to remember Who You Are and Who You Choose To Be. If you make all your life decisions based on that idea you will lead a more fulfilled life. You will let go of all fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) and doubt because you will realize that they are the opposite of what God is. You will start to really LIVE andyou will enjoy it, all of it. The things you used to determine as "problems" will be seen as blessings. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience. God is with us all the time because he can't NOT be. He is everywhere, ALL the time. When we understand that, we can really let go and let God.
There are many powerful messages to be received in this book, no matter your background, religious or not. It's powerful and life-transforming. I'd say that based on recent global events our species could use some inspiring, powerful words to change what we're doing because IT'S NOT WORKING! And if it ain't working, we need to FIX IT. It starts here, with this book series.
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