I am currently reading the book, 29 Gifts, written by Cami Walker, a woman living with Multiple Sclerosis. The theme of the book reminds me of that presented in the movie Pay It Forward - give to others, who will give to others, who will give to others, thus making the world a better place one person, or one gift, at a time.
The book encourages readers to commit to giving 29 gifts in 29 days, journal about it, and watch as abundance flows into your life. The gifts can be anything: a present, food, some change, or a kind word. By not focusing on your own problems, pains, and issues, you are more receptive to others and are more able to receive the good things life has to give you.
This message is synonymous with other books I have been reading, from Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention to Louise Hay's Heal Your Life to Abraham-Hicks' Ask and it is Given to Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God. I have realized that I can no longer ignore the "coincidental" books that have arrived in my life, all spreading the same message. It is time to reorder my life and shift my focus to others. I have spent my life as an overachiever - always pushing myself to and beyond the limits, striving for perfection and accepting nothing less, often breaking down in tantrums over failures (humiliating to admit this, but it's true). I once threw my 7th grade Social Studies folder across my living room at 11 p.m. because I couldn't come up with an answer to one question on a homework assignment as my parents looked on in disbelief. They never expected me to be perfect, I put that impossible expectation on myself. It has led to a life of anxiety and fear of failure. This year has been a turning point in my life, as I focus more seriously on who I am and who I want to be. I want to be kind and peaceful, enjoying every minute of every day with which I am blessed.
After reading this last book, 29 Gifts, I am convinced that the stress I place on myself on a daily basis is not worth it. Life has so much to offer and I am missing out. I have decided to embark on the 29 Gift challenge that Cami Walker promotes on her website. (In case the website link doesn't work: www.29gifts.org). This world we are living in is in serious turmoil. We have had an abundance of earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, flooding, and destructive winter weather, and I have to wonder if those are direct effects of the energy we humans have been pouring into the universe. Thoughts have energy (Einstein understood this), and actions have stronger energy. We as a human species have become selfish, negative, and depressed because we've been focusing on all the "wrong" things: money, success, status, materialism, and approval from others. Let's get back to our Source, reconnect, and begin noticing the beauty in each person on this planet. We're imperfect, but we can certainly try harder, be kinder, and give more.
What would the world be like if one person was kinder? Two? Ten? A thousand? A million?
Read the book. Visit the website. Take the challenge. Let me know how it goes for you.
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