This book was recommended to me by our local librarian - is that when you know you're a frequent flier? The story is a modernized version of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
**Spoilers beyond this point, so proceed with caution, although I will not give away too much**
Hannah Payne (symbolic since she experiences various sorts of pain throughout the book) has an affair (hated this part of the plot - why is there always an affair? Are humans REALLY that weak and incapable of respecting the sanctity of love?) with Reverend Aiden Dale (!!!), who acts as national minister (no more separation of church and state, folks) and is married to Alyssa. During the affair, Hannah gets pregnant and rather than tell Aiden she decides to abort the baby, which is illegal. Through a strangely arranged meeting, Hannah's abortion occurs on dinosaur sheets in a dark apartment by a man named Raphael. She is picked up by police soon after and tried for her crime - murder. And thus begins the life of Hannah as a Red. And that's when the story gets good! (or at least better?)